


亚太“一带一路”共策会会长、马来西亚前交通部长翁诗杰近日做客中国观察智库与中国日报新媒体联合推出的《连线》节目。他表示,以美国为首的一些西方国家以“国家安全”为名,对中国搞“脱钩断链”,动摇了全球供应链稳定,这种做法只是出于对自身霸权丧失的担忧。在亚太地区,美国推出“印太经济框架” (IPEF) 试图同《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》 (RCEP) 竞争,但这种排他性的经济框架显然不是更好的替代选项。今年是中马全面战略伙伴关系建立10周年,两国应扩大合作范围,超越经济合作,促进人文交流,加深两国人民的相互理解。




Against the backdrop of rising unilateralism, the terrain of multilateral cooperation looks sad, to be more challenging than ever before. Existing successful models of multilateral cooperation like ASEAN and BRICS are anticipated to have their cohesion put to severe tests with specific carrots dangled by major powers from outside the region. China will still be targeted by the same rival superpower in the incessant hostile wedge-driving against any move of Beijing’s partnership diplomacy, be it vis-a-vis ASEAN, or even in the staple of RCEP and BRICS. 


In retrospect, it was the pandemic that induced supply chain disruption. And inspite of the coronavirus outbreak that gave the US-led West a convenient excuse to insulate China from the global supply chain, purportedly in the influence of resilience of supply chains, the West was, however, left in the same quandary either. However, ironically, it’s the US threatening coerce for technology decoupling and its restrictive exports of specific innovations like chips, against China after the contagion that rock the stability of technological innovation supply chain worldwide. The concerted moves alongside its allies on the premise of “national security” is visibly designed to impede the rapid growth of China that threatens the US’ primacy.


In other words, the US draft of action is virtually rooted in its deeply seated anguish of displacement as a global leader. The term “national security” is nothing but the convenient justification in its current semantics. 



美国“印太战略”中,东南亚是一个关键地区,因为它是与中国进行军事对峙和经济竞争的理想“温床”。然而另一方面,对于参与“印太经济框架” (IPEF) 的东盟成员国来说,备受期待的美国关税削减和更大的市场准入仍是一个遥不可及的梦。

Under the prism of Washington’s “Indo-Pacific” strategy, Southeast Asia is pivotal as it makes an ideal hotbed of military face-off and economic rivalry against Beijing. Yet, in return the much anticipated tariff reduction by Washington and larger market access to the US remain a distant dream to the ASEAN member states participating in the IPEF or the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity. 


The scenario that seven of the 10 ASEAN member states joined IPEF in search of their alternative supply chain is a form of hedging against the purported over-dependence on the Chinese supply chains. To a certain extent, the straddling of the sensitive Sino-US rivalry indicates their uncertainties on the resilience of supply chains across the region.


In this perspective, the ASEAN-initiated RCEP itself perhaps provides a more viable platform vis-a-vis IPEF in mitigating the impacts of any possible supply chain disruption.The answer lies in China. With a full gamut of industrial supply chains in China, alongside the other ASEAN’s dialog partners in RCEP, or the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, the largest ever free trade market in the world — is in a more tenable position to stabilize the supply chain, if its economic integration remains undivided. The deliberate exclusion of China in the US-led IPEF, without a viable substitute, is certainly far from being a better bet in this context.


Similarly, under the pretext of reconfiguration of supply chain to avert over-dependence on China, certain industries were enticed to be relocated out of China, the emerging economies in Southeast Asia have seemingly benefited from such moves but the hard reality remains that they still rely on China as the key supply source of many raw materials required for such industries.




This year witnessed the 10th anniversary of the China-Malaysia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (CSP), which is to be followed by the 50th anniversary of the founding of our diplomatic ties next year. While we celebrate our enduring bilateral friendship, we should endeavour to explore and extend our bounds of cooperation multi-dimensionally beyond sheer economics. The breadth and depth of the existing ties are to be given an opportunity to involve more exchanges at the people-to-people level beyond mere tourist exchange. 


Track 2 Diplomacy specifically dedicated to promoting in-depth mutual understanding through mutual engagement between the peoples is to be given the centre stage. 


Exchanges of tourist visits only constitute part of it but the statistics do not necessarily translate into confidence-building. The main thrust of engaging the general public in Malaysia, or even the entire ASEAN, lies more in addressing the perception and understanding of China in the right perspective. 


A well-informed electorate with a good understanding of China will certainly help insulate themselves from being influenced by the irresponsible quarters who seek to make China’s Belt and Road Initiative an electioneering issue to their advantage, albeit at the expense of bilateral relations. This could only be done through people-to-people interaction, organized in a coherent and coordinated manner in parallel to the Track 1 Diplomacy represented by the embassies.


Given the advantage of traditional cultural links in the region, the virtues of inclusivity and symbiosis embodied in the BRI project implementation are supposedly instrumental in endearing China to its Southeast Asian neighbors, including Malaysia, albeit against a hostile backdrop of incessant wedge-driving and vilification by the West.

出品人:王浩 邢志刚

监制:柯荣谊 宋平

记者:沈一鸣 张欣然 栗思月 刘源 杨璐榕 张钊 栾瑞英 辛欣 唐文若

实习生:杨恒瑞 李经纬 田欣鹭 金奕伶



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