


The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), proposed by President Xi Jinping, is marking its 10th anniversary this year. Over the past decade, the BRI has made significant strides in building robust infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable projects, and driving innovation in developing nations. Moreover, it has played a pivotal role in fostering global unity by encouraging cultural exchanges and mutual learning. China’s unveiling of comprehensive development, security, and civilization initiatives has forged a new path for civilizations to coexist, bringing the world closer to a community of shared future for mankind. CGTN’s special program “One Decade of the BRI: Mutual Learning among Civilizations” has assembled a panel of prominent figures and scholars in cross-cultural studies from China and other BRI nations to discuss cultural exchanges in the new era.


清华大学“一带一路”研究院研究员、全球化智库研究员明竺(Zoon Ahmed Khan)在《丝路十年:文明的交流、互鉴与共存》特别节目中说,文化代表了每一个个体独特的存在方式。她以中国和巴基斯坦两种文化的交往为例,强调当人们亲身接触彼此后,会发现不同的文化也有许多相似之处。她反对西方文明在世界舞台谋取霸权地位、胁迫其他文明跟随学习的做法,称这是对多元文化缺乏尊重的表现。尽管这个世界存在国家、宗教和文明的界限,但她认为文化交流会冲破隔阂,推动全球人民了解彼此的历史,增强相互认同。

“Culture is everyone’s individual reality,” said Zoon Ahmed Khan, a research fellow at Tsinghua University and CCG. She points out that it’s wrong to follow the trend led by Western countries, thinking they have “arrived” ahead of others. She also stresses the importance of recognizing cultural diversity through Chinese-Pakistani interactions, highlighting the striking similarities in different cultures. Khan advocates cultural exchange as a powerful force to bridge global divisions, fostering mutual understanding and recognition worldwide.


马来西亚是多个种族、语言、文化和宗教并存的国家。在宣传语中,它一直强调“马来西亚,真正的亚洲国家(Malaysia Truly Asia)”。在《丝路十年:文明的交流、互鉴与共存》节目里,亚太“一带一路”共策会会长翁诗杰分享了他在担任马来西亚高等教育部副部长期间,为推动马来西亚多元发展做出的努力。在他看来,打造文化多样性首先是要破除障碍,然后是推动理解与共存。

Malaysia is a melting pot of various cultures, ethnic groups, and religions, and proudly tags itself as “Malaysia Truly Asia.” On the program “One Decade of the BRI: Mutual Learning Among Civilizations,” Ong Tee Keat, president of the Belt & Road Initiative Caucus for Asia Pacific, also Malaysia’s former Deputy Minister of Higher Education, delved into his endeavors to champion Malaysia’s multifaceted identity. He believes that building diversity requires breaking barriers, also fostering understanding and coexistence.


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